Band of Brothers



Band of Brothers in Arms


United by a greater good

We all became one brotherhood      

Together like a wall we stood

'Til the wall we all imploded


Long ago on one fine day

Sweet music floated by our way

Suddenly no words could say

Just what it made us feel.

We sought a place where we could share

And breathe together this fresh air

That blew away a cold despair

Replaced with hope so real.


We climbed up on this mountaintop

And prayed the music wouldn't stop

We swore its flag we'd never drop

As we rejoiced on high


But then the clouds of self rolled in

And introduced a raucous din

As swords pierced armor made of tin

Without ever asking why


Soon we lay scattered on the hills

Beaten by our own ill wills

Learning that resentment kills

Too late to stop the fight


We saw each other suffering

Without at first quite realizing

We'd sacrificed our land and king

By calling wrong our right


The battlefield began to clear

And though we still felt pain and fear

At last again we came to hear

The music once again


An honest look at what had passed

As we stood gasping and aghast

At the destruction we'd amassed

The wages of our sin


United by a greater good

We must remain one brotherhood

Forgive all we've misunderstood

All walls at last eroded  


















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