As you can see, Molly and the boys are hardly the first animals I've so "tortured" by dressing them in holiday attire...and, as you can see as well, Barney (the Bulldog) and Bronte (Beagle) endured this insult, but seemed bent on making it clear they felt it well beneath their dignity! (Actually, they were incredibly good sports, not at all the scoffing aristocrats they herein appear)... And, recently we acquired a new generation of canines who are yet to discover such celebratory joys... This was Tristan at a very early age (somewhere around 5 weeks, I believe), back at his first home in Colorado...
And, here we have Tristan, as well as his litter mate Fiona (for whose moniker I'm afraid I have no literary explanation...I just like the name) on the evening of their arrival in NJ in Nov. at 8 weeks old...(sorry the photos aren't larger; these are the only ones I have -- and I want to thank our friend Michael K. for having any photos from that night at all!!!)...
Yes, that's them again -- only 1 month later (just a couple weeks before Christmas). Needless to say, to those of you not familiar with Borzois (a.k.a. Russian Wolfhounds, they do get VERY large...Tristan and Fiona's daddy, for example, is 33 inches tall). Here they are again on New Year's Eve...playfully harassing their own feet... ...each other...
...and their would-be friend, Limerick...
I say "would-be" friend as not many cats are quite so brave about being chased around the living room as this (ironically "yellow") feline pal... however, as one of the numerous outdoor stray population we care for (the result of a large wooded area behind our house and an apparently very effective system of kitty communications with regard to the always filled bowls of cat food on our doorstep!) he seems to take advantage of any opportunity possible to come in for a bit of playtime with "the family". (You may have seen Limerick before, incidentally, on the "guestbook" page of this website -- which I invite all readers to sign, by the way). Of course, he's long since become very much family himself... ...a capacity in which he joins two permanently indoor friends: Prince Hal (who you can see doesn't particularly enjoy having his picture taken! -- though, in every other way he really is a well-adjusted and simply wonderful individual)... ...and the very special (and always helpful!&^&%*!) Milton... ...who because of an infection in kittenhood required surgery that accounts for his other identity -- my "little one-eyed monster"... ..a term, I can assure you, that holds nothing but affection -- and lots of it. More to come? As the New York Lottery's slogan goes, "Hey, you never know". With that in mind, be sure to check out future issues of Mil Mania for updates on additional "Pet Peeves and Paranoia"...all to be expected from a true artistinsane. (P.S. Don't forget to read the latest "rat tale" under the "Pet Peeves and Paranoia" column of February's Mil Mania -- the intro to a very special Valentine's Day photo collection!)