

The  New York Daily News:

Read  Love,By a Whisker!


The Express Times

Shortly after the first issue of the The Rodent Reader Quarterly was released, I received a call from a newspaper features editor, requesting an interview and a meeting with our rats.  She and a photographer/videographer subsequently spent an afternoon with us, and the following full-page article was the result!   Click Here to read it in its entirety!  (Note: The viewpoint regarding rats and reptiles expressed by the veterinarian is his alone and does not reflect that of The Rodent Reader Quarterly.) 

And, Click Here for a blog by the editor (NOTE: Though I’m not acquainted with any hamsters myself, I know of many people who will attest to their intelligence and sweetness as pets.  The comments in this post therefore do not reflect opinions of The Rodent Reader Quarterly.)

, too!


Washington DC City Paper (Arts Desk) – an article about artist Manon Cleary, in which The Rodent Reader Quarterly is mentioned…

Manon Cleary’s Long History with the Patron Saint of Adams Morgan—Rats
