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The Rodent Reader Quarterly
(New subscription info listed below -- or click on links above for back issues and gift subscriptions -- and to check out out a 15 page pdf preview excerpted from the intro issue.) IT'S HERE!!!
The July/August/September issue! Full year subscriptions and single issues can be purchased below. Scroll down for more info.
Featuring... 28 Full-color (8.5" x 11.25") Pages of Articles, All written by me (Managing Editor) and Keela (Editor-in-Chief)
Check out the current issue's Table of Contents::
NOTE: The Rodent Reader Quarterly contains NO PAID ADVERTISING, and subscription income goes entirely to printing and postage costs. Each issue includes a 28 page, professionally printed mix of ALL NEW MATERIAL. It's our primary goal to make each one a positive and enjoyable experience for readers -- and rats! (You can read a full explanation in the managing editor's note on pp.3-4 of the introductory issue.)
1 yr. Subscription (4 issues) - $31.95 (within the U.S.)
Single issues are available for $8.95 each (within the U.S.)
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