September 2011 After sporting the same look and format since its launch in 2001, this site has now been completely re-created! Keep checking www.artistinsane.com for the new site to appear soon -- if it hasn't already. (You'll know the difference -- meaning, if the whole site still looks like this page...it hasn't launched yet.) See you there!!!!
August 2011 Highlights After unforseen complications and delays, followed by vacations at the printing company(!) -- a new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly is finally HERE. And, it may just be the best one yet!!! Check it out!!!
July 2011 Highlights 4th Happy Independence Day!!!
June 2011 Highlights 19th Happy Father's Day!!! A new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly is under construction. Thank you to all our longtime as well as brand new subscribers for supporting this endeavor of "insane rat love"!!!
May 2011 Highlights 28th The Rodent Reader Quarterly has made the New York Daily News! As part of a wonderfully positive article on rats, the magazine was given excellent notice in the following article. Check it out on the Press page!!! 8th Happy Mother's Day
April 2011 Highlights The newest issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly is HERE!!! 24th Happy Easter!
March 2011 Highlights 17th Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
February 2011 Highlights 14th Happy Valentine's Day! 2nd Happy Groundhog Day
January 2011 Highlights It's printed and ready for pickup -- by you! Actually, you don't have to pick it up -- we'll mail it right to your door. Click Here to learn more and purchase the latest issue of TRRQ!!! 17th The new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly should be back from the printing company this week and subsequently mailed out. Watch for it SOON! Happy New Year!!!
December 2010 25th Merry Christmas!!! 1st Welcome to the holiday season!
November 2010 Highlights BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL ON THE RODENT READER QUARTERLY -- Buy a Full Year Subscription for 2011 and get a Free 2010 Issue. CLICK HERE!
25th Happy Thanksgiving!!!
October 2010 Highlights 13th The Oct./Nov./Dec. issue (including celebrations of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, along with lots of other fun and informative "stuff"!) has been mailed out to subscribers and is now available for purchase HERE!!! 1st The new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly is at the printing company and will be mailed out SOON!
September 2010 1st It's coming! An all new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly is under construction and will be heading to the printing company soon. Watch for it by early October! In the meantime, you can check out a 15 page pdf preview version so you can "try before you buy." Click Here!
August 2010 Highlights 2nd New pics added to The Rodent Reader Quarterly's page at Facebook. Join us today! www.facebook.com/rodentreader
July 2010 Highlights
13th It's here!!! The new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly has been mailed out to subscribers, and is now available for purchase. And, is it ever
filled with great surprises -- like my profile of/interview with Lou
Romano. Who's Lou Romano, you may ask? Linguini, of course!
Yes, that's right -- Remy's human pal from
Plus, the
continuation of
Mailbox Molly,
new poems, photos and much more.
Check it out at the
Rodent Reader page
of this site
today!!! 4th Happy Independence Day!!! Plus, more madness ahead!
June 2010 Highlights 20th Happy Father's Day!
May 2010 Highlights 9th Happy Mother's Day!
April 2010 Highlights 29th As posted on The Rodent Reader Quarterly's facebook page: I just received this link from Manon Cleary – the renowned Washington D.C. artist featured in the intro issue of TRRQ. I'm thrilled and honored beyond words to have the magazine included in her wonderful defense of rats, and to have it reach this whole new audience of City Paper readers. A million thanks to Manon for sharing TRRQ so enthusiastically – and using wit and wisdom to spread “insane rat love.” Manon Cleary’s Long History with the Patron Saint of Adams Morgan—Rats
18th The Jan./Feb. issue of Mil Mania has been added to the sign-up page. A new issue is under construction! 13th The bios I wrote for Michael
McDermott's band members have now been posted to his website! Go to
and click on the hover button "Friends" (which appears when your
mouse/pointer skims over "Biography -- just go there...you'll see what I
mean!) I'll also add them here on my site in the near future.
4th Happy Easter!!!
March 2010 Highlights 26th It's here!!! The new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly has been mailed out to subscribers, and is now available for purchase. More info is posted on the Rodent Reader page of this site. Thank you again, everyone, for your support! The new issue of The Rodent Reader Quarterly is now at the printer's and should be ready for mailing by the third week in the month. Can't wait to share it with subscribers!
February 2010 Highlights 20th Added a Press page to The Rodent Reader Quarterly section -- because the magazine has hit the paper! If you didn't already read about this an article was published in the Express-Times on 2/11. A great celebration of pet rats and this new publication! 19th A January/February 2010 issue of Mil Mania has e-mailed out. Also, the December 2009 edition has been added to the sign-up page. 14th Happy Valentine's Day!!!
January 2010 Highlights 22nd A newspaper features editor and a photographer interviewed me for an upcoming story about The Rodent Reader Quarterly!!! More news on this to come!
December 2009
24th The December issue of Mil
Mania has been e-mailed out! 4th The Rodent Reader Quarterly
is now on Facebook, too. 3rd The Rodent Reader Quarterly
is now on MySpace! 2nd It's here! The Rodent Reader
Quarterly subscription page is now available -- Welcome to the holiday season!!! Watch for much madness coming soon -- including a subscription page for the brand new magazine, The Rodent Reader Quarterly!!!
November 2009 Highlights 30th The latest Mil Mania newsletter has at last e-mailed out! Watch for a December issue in the weeks ahead.
Check out my new
October 2009 Highlights 26th The Rat Assistance and Teaching Society's semi-annual eBay fundraiser starts today (and runs for one week). Don't miss it!!!
Hope you're enjoying a lovely autumn.
September 2009 Highlights 11th -- The latest issue of Mil Mania has been e-mailed out at last! Watch for a Sept./Oct. combined issue sometime next month. In the meantime, I'll be working on much new madness!!! Check back! The June/July issue of Mil Mania is now the June/July/August issue -- and still under construction -- in early September! BUT, it's almost completed and will be sent out soon. If you want to receive it "hot off the press" visit the sign-up page and subscribe today!!! Also, my website seems to be going through some strange tech difficulties again -- so if certain links aren't showing up properly or other irregularities appear, my apologies. Here's hoping my web host works these bugs out SOON!
August 2009 Highlights 28th Keela's latest review -- of Marshall and His Green High-Tops -- has been added to her reviews page. Check it out! 27th A brand new bio I wrote for Michael McDermott has just been posted to the "About Michael" section of his official website, www.michael-mcdermott.com. You can also read it here on artistinsane.com by following this link. The June/July issue of Mil Mania is still under construction -- in August! BUT, the April and May issues have been added to the sign-up page at last. Hope you enjoy them.
New zazzle products added for back-to-school...
Already there's much madness to report for August -- details coming soon!!!!
July 2009 Highlights Again, I've had photos published in Magniloquence and the Rat-a Tat Chat! Details in the June/July issue of Mil Mania. The June/July issue of Mil Mania is under construction. (The Feb/March edition has been posted to the Sign Up page; April and May will be added there soon. Sign up today to get all future issues hot off the press -- no waiting for them to be posted on this site!) 4th Happy Independence Day!!!
June 2009 Highlights I've been published in the Mensa Bulletin again -- and have more photos in Magniloquence. Details in the June/July issue of Mil Mania. 21st Happy Father's Day
May 2009 Highlights The May issue of Mil Mania is under construction -- watch for it soon!
10th Happy Mother's Day
1st Two photos I submitted were published in the May issue of Magniloquence -- the official newsletter of my local Mensa chapter.
(Click either photo to view both images in full size.)
April 2009 Highlights
The April issue of Mil Mania is in progress -- watch for the February/March issue to be posted on the Mil Mania Sign-up page soon!
March 2009 Highlights 17th Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! A combined Feb./March issue of Mil Mania is in progress. Watch for it soon.
February 2009 Highlights 24th New -- St. Patrick's Day items at "Mil's Mercantile"! 14th Happy Valentine's Day!!! I've switched to pdf format for all newsletters from here on out -- which will greatly improve both efficiency and presentation. Plus, it makes adding them to this site much easier -- in fact, the January issue is already available! Go to the Mil Mania Sign-up page to read it now!
January 2009 Highlights 28th Added a review page on Brian Fitzpatrick's 1/17 show at Bid John's Pub. Click Here! Also, the January issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out. 5th The December issue of Mil Mania has e-mailed out (a wee bit late!) January is under construction. Happy New Year!!!!
December 2008 Highlights 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 5th A new book review by Keela added -- The Tale of Despereaux, which will hit theaters in movie form later this month. To share my menagerie -- and include its members in your holiday shopping (including Christmas cards with my original poems)... check out my store at www.zazzle.com/artistinsane.
November 2008 Highlights 27th Happy Thanksgiving!!!! The November issue of Mil Mania has been e-mailed out! I told you much new madness was coming -- well, here's a bit of it... I've launched a store at zazzle.com just in time for Christmas shopping...including holiday postage stamps. The panel under the December heading (above) offers a quick perusal -- or you can view them all by visiting www.zazzle.com/artistinsane. More products coming soon.
I suspect a cornucopia of madness lies just around the corner. Check back soon!
October 2008 Highlights 31st HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 29th The third anniversary issue of Mil Mania has been e-mailed out at last! 14th The latest issue of Rat-aTat Chat arrived in my mailbox today -- and I was surprised to learn includes an article I wrote! Check it out here. 13th At last -- the McDermott project has been revealed! Click Here!!! Also, the latest issue of Mil Mania (a combined Sept./Oct. issue given it's already mid-October!!!) is under construction...the 3rd Anniversary issue, in fact! Check your inbox for it soon -- or sign up today to receive it hot off the press. The McDermott project is now in the hands of its recipient, who said about it on his bulletin board, The Pauper's Sky: "wow....i just got the gift from the pauper community and i must say, its simply amazing.....absolutely blown away..." I'll be putting up a web page revealing the finished product as soon as time permits -- so check back! Thanks again to everyone involved!!!
September 2008 Highlights 29th At last! The McDermott project mailed out today, and should arrive at its destination within the next 2-3 days. After allowing a bit of time to make sure its recipient has had a chance to check it out, I'll be posting a web page revealing this 7 part creation. Thanks again to everyone involved!!! 15th An update on the McDermott birthday project: I still do not have one piece of the puzzle needed for construction. As soon as I have this in hand, I will be able to complete it all and send it out. At this point I expect it to wrap up by the end of the month. Check back for any further news. And, if you're a part of this, thanks again -- it really is shaping up to be a memorable and meaningful gift.
A few weeks ago I submitted an article for potential publication in the MENSA Bulletin -- and just learned it's been selected for inclusion in the September issue!
Also, the August issue of Mil Mania has been e-mailed out. September will be under construction shortly. Under construction as well is the 7th Annual McDermott birthday project -- for which I've continued to receive submissions right into September! Check back for an update once it's mailed and the unveiling of our collective creation shortly thereafter.
August 2008 Highlights As the result of late interest in the McD B'Day project submissions have arrived well after the deadline and will continue to be accepted through Labor Day. Thanks for your participation!
July 2008 Highlights 28th At last!!! A combined June/July issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out. August is currently under construction. Yes, a June issue of Mil Mania is still coming -- though yes, it may be August before it appears!!! I've just been SO swamped with other projects and must-do tasks that it keeps getting pushed to the background. But, it remains a must-do task of its own and one I will yet complete! In the meantime, thanks for your patience and keep checking back for updates. NOTE: The deadline for McDermott birthday project submissions has been changed to August 24th since Michael will be out of the country for his birthday (which is, in fact, Aug. 24th) and at least a week following. Check back for an exact shipping date, but this is expected to allow for an early September arrival of the finished gift. 22nd Added a review of The Very Thought of You to the Mad Ravings On...Movies page. Go there now! 12th Check out the It's a Rat's World website's welcome page!!! One of the two cover contest winners (the one on the right) is a photo of the newest "Mil's Menagerie" member, Edison. (I also have two articles plus a book review by Keela inside). Head on over and take a look! 4th Happy 4th of July!!!!
June 2008 Highlights 26th The web page is now up introducing the 7th Annual McDermott Birthday celebration. Click here to find out how to get into the game! 19th As the result of an error in printing one of my articles in the June issue of It's a Rat's World magazine, the editors have corrected this on their website and made the entire article available for viewing here (as a .pdf file). 16th Finally -- I've added a review page on Michael McDermott's 1-26-08 show at Philadelphia's Tin Angel. Click Here! 5th Yes, once again I've been hit with a bit of mad inspiration -- meaning the 7th annual McDermott birthday celebration will be kicking off very soon! Check back for details about this world wide event in the days ahead!!! Also, the March/April issue of Mil Mania has been added to the Sign-up page. May will be posted soon. And, of course, June is under construction.
May 2008 Highlights 20th The May issue of Mil Mania has been e-mailed out! 13th The February issue of Mil Mania has (at last!) been added to the Sign-up page. The combined March/April issue will be posted soon.
10th At last -- the March/April issue of Mil Mania has been e-mailed out! Watch for a May issue coming soon! Also, the April issue of It's A Rat's World magazine features an article I wrote on the Year of the Rat (as well as a tribute poem in memory of the editor's beloved pet rat, Delphiniums, found on p.4... Note: you might want to read A.A. Milne's poem The Dormouse and the Doctor before checking that out. ) Read the full issue (for a limited time) here! 6th My little friend Ruth has been chosen as a Rat of the Week at the Rat Fan Club! Check out her profile now! 1st Yes, a March issue of Mil Mania is still coming -- in May! (a combined March/April issue to be more precise...and a May issue all its own is still planned as well). Life has just been particularly "insane" of late and the hectic pace doesn't show any signs of slowing anytime soon. Nonetheless, much new madness will yet be unveiled in the weeks ahead. You can read a bit more about all this on my latest myspace blog. And, of course, check back here soon!!!
April 2008 Highlights The Rat Assistance and Teaching Society (whose magazine I write for) is having an eBay auction fundraiser! April 1-7, 2008 ... check out the fabulous rattie items! Search for R.A.T.S. on eBay.com!
March 2008 Highlights
23rd Happy Easter!!!
17th Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Keela's review of The Revenge of Randal Reese Rat appears in the March issue of It's A Rat's World Magazine!!! And, watch the April issue for an article by me on "The Year of the Rat"!
February 2008 Highlights 27th The February issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out. 14th Added a page on Michael McDermott's 1-25-08 show at Gullifty's Underground in Camp Hill, PA. Click Here!
2nd Happy Groundhog Day!!! Also, the January newsletter was sent out on 1/30 and will be added to the Mil Mania page of this site soon. Much New Madness coming in the days ahead!!!!
January 2008 Highlights 31st Michael McDermott at Arlene's Grocery in New York City -- go to www.arlenesgrocery.net for more info. 30th Michael McDermott AND Brian Fitzpatrick at Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ -- go to www.maxwellsnj.com for more info. 26th Michael McDermott at The Tin Angel in Philadelphia, PA. Again, watch for a review page of commentary and photos coming soon. 25th Michael McDermott at Gullifty's in Camp Hill, PA...watch for a review page of commentary and photos coming soon. 15th Keela (the single-rat mom behind the "Molly Madvises" column of Mil Mania) has added a book review for The Revenge of Randal Reese-Rat to her reviews page. Go there to check it out now! Also, a review page (be me) on Brian Fitzpatrick's Dec. show at Chaplins is still forthcoming. Thanks for your patience!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
December 2007 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 23rd The December issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out. 16th Added a page on Michael McDermott's 9-28 show at World Cafe Live (finally!) Click Here! 10th I received notice over the weekend that I've been accepted as a member of MENSA. I have yet to log into their website, however, to explore exactly what this offers; I do know, however, it provides the opportunity to post a profile sharing one's interests, etc. It's therefore hoped I might be able to introduce a new audience to my writing, favorite musicians, pet rats and all else that makes me truly an "artist insane"! 8th Brian Fitzpatrick at Chaplin's in Lake Hopatcong, NJ...a fantastic show featuring two very full sets! Check back for a web page reviewing/recapping this eventful evening soon! Welcome to the Holiday Season!!!!
November 2007 Highlights The November issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out (as of 11/24) and will be posted to the Sign-up page soon! The December/holiday issue is under construction.
I spoke too soon on the tech issues. Once more I'm attempting to work with my web host to get them worked out as soon as possible. A review page has been added covering Michael McDermott's 8-29-07 show at The Living Room in NYC. Click Here!!! Now that the tech issues (seem to) have been worked out, the July, August and Sept./Oct. (i.e. 2nd anniversary) issues of Mil Mania have been added to the Sign-up page!!! The November issue is under construction. Sign up now to get it "hot off the press" immediately upon completion! Click Here to read my article from the autumn 2007 issue of the Rat Assistance and Teaching Society's quarterly publication, Rat-a-Tat-Chat!!!
October 2007 Highlights 10/31 The Sept./October newsletter has been sent out - at last! IF my web host's tech matter can be worked out soon, I will publish back issues to the News Sign Up page and add a host of other updates/pages linked to this 2nd anniversary issue -- and more! 10/29 Looks like there are still a few lingering website issues -- so if you run into any difficulties, I apologize, and please check back for all to be resolved. Thanks again! 10/18 I think we're -- almost -- back. After more than two full weeks of tech problems with my web host/server I think the site may soon be back to normal. In the meantime, thanks for your patience! 10/5 Keela's review of Ratatouille has been added to the "favorite links" page of the Rat Fan Club! And, of course, Keela will be adding additional book and or/film reviews to this in the future so keep visiting to see what's new! MUCH new madness coming very soon -- check back in the days ahead! Yes, that means the September newsletter (though a bit late) is indeed under construction...as a combined Sept./Oct./2nd anniversary edition! Also in the works are review pages on Michael McDermott's 8/29 and 9/28 shows in NYC and Philly respectively...and a whole lot more. Check back soon!!!
September 2007 Highlights 17th Added a review page on Michael McDermott's 8/15 appearance at The Living Room in NYC... Click Here!!! 10th The Pauper Project to celebrate Michael McDermott's birthday and the release of his new album Noise From Words is now available for viewing here. Thanks again to everyone involved for making this such a fantastic gift
August 2007 Highlights 29th Attended yet another show by Michael McDermott at The Living Room in NYC. Photos, commentary, etc. coming soon. Once more you can read the quick version of my review here. 15th Attended another show by Michael McDermott at The Living Room in NYC. Photos, commentary, etc. coming soon. In the meantime, you can read my quick review on his bulletin board, The Pauper's Sky, by clicking here. 14th Added a page on Michael McDermott's 8/1 show at The Living Room. Click Here. 8th My hairless pet rats Nikolai and Nabakov are now featured on the Rat of the Week page at the Rat Fan Club!!! Go there now to read their profile and view their pics!!!! (But, don't worry, it you're reading this after their week has passed you can still check them out here. 1st Attended a show by Michael McDermott at The Living Room in NYC. Photos, commentary, etc. coming soon. In the meantime, you can read my quick review on his bulletin board, The Pauper's Sky, by clicking here.
1st Added a new page linked from the July issue of Mil Mania (which also mailed out today). It's a film (and, perhaps in time, books, etc.) review page by Keela (the rodent single mom of "Molly Madvises" column fame). Click Here for her review of Ratatouille.
July 2007 Highlights 24th I just put up a myspace page to get the word out regarding the Noise From Words Celebration for Michael McDermott's birthday and the release of his new CD. Go to www.myspace.com/celebration3 to check it out. 8th As promised in the June issue of Mil Mania, I've at last added a review of Music and Lyrics to the "Mad Ravings On...Movies" page. 4th Happy Independence Day!!!
June 2007 Highlights 28th BOTH the May and June issues of Mil Mania have been added to the Sign-up page!!! There's never been a better time to catch up -- and sign up now so you don't miss a word of the madness and "Mania" yet to come. 26th Yes, folks, I've been struck once again with a bit of "mad inspiration". And, if you're a Michael McDermott supporter you're going to want to check out this web page explaining how to be a part of the latest "pauper project" to celebrate his birthday -- and the release of his new CD -- in August. Check it out NOW!!! 17th Happy Father's Day! Also, a special Mil Mania issue honoring this occasion has been mailed out. Watch for (it and the May edition) to be posted on the Sign-up page soon! 3rd Added a Press Page to Brian Fitzpatrick's section of the site. Click Here. 2nd I've (finally!) added the March/April issue of Mil Mania to the Sign-up page. And, yes, May has been mailed out so will be added as well when time permits. Don't want to wait? Sign up!!!
May 2007 Highlights 28th I've been playing with Windows Movie Maker again...here's the latest result (hosted on myspace.com). Also, the most recent issue of Mil Mania is very nearly completed and will be going out within the next couple of days (hey, it's still May!!!!). I have yet to convert the March/April issue to web format, but keep an eye on the Sign-up page for it to be posted in the near future. Lastly, you can visit a new web page introducing the newest members of my rat family as a belated Mother's Day tribute. Click Here. 7th Updated the "Mil's Menagerie" page... including new photos of "Breakfast With The Boys". Go there NOW!!! And, of course, the latest issue of Mil Mania -- featuring a whole new crop of madness -- is currently under construction for e-mailing soon!
April 2007 Highlights 25th My Noah is Rat of the Week!!!! Go see him at The Rat Fan Club website now!!! (And, after his week has passed, you can still visit this copy of the page here on artistinsane.com.) 24th Michael McDermott's new album Noise From Words is available starting today (via internet download only...click the banner at the bottom of his bio page for more info). 21st Check out the new blog entitled, "Look Out, World. Mil's Armed -- and Digital" added to my myspace page today (as a companion piece to the video of Noah mentioned below). Simply click the "view more" link to read the piece in its entirety. 17th Finally!!! The combined March/April issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out and will be added to the Sign-up page soon. Regular monthly issues will resume in May. Thanks for your patience. 11th...I've added a VIDEO of my little friend Noah to the "Mil's Menagerie" page -- Go There NOW!!! 8th...
6th NEW!!! I've added a page called "Live McD Fitz & 3eb" to make all the info on the three artists covered every month in Mil Mania more easily accessible. I've also updated the "Mil's Menagerie" page to introduce the latest members my pet rat family. Check 'em out NOW!!! 4th I concede the battle...time has officially slipped too far away to claim an April Fool's trick as the excuse for not getting the March issue of Mil Mania out in time. As a result I will be sending out a combined March/April edition shortly. Hey, unpredictability ever remains the prerogative of an "artist insane"!!!
March 2007 Highlights 20th Added a page on Brian Fitzpatrick's March 3 show at Paul's Bar and Bowling in Paterson, NJ...Click Here to check it out now!!!! Also, the March issue of Mil Mania is under construction and (I hope!) will be e-mailed out SOON.
17th HAPPY St. Patrick's Day!!!
10th The February issue of Mil Mania has been added to the Newsletter Sign Up page. 6th The January issue of Mil Mania has been added to the Newsletter Sign Up page. (The February issue will be added shortly.) Much More March Madness coming soon!!!
February 2007 Highlights 27th The February issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out -- with a day to spare!!! 23rd Added a video clip link of Michael McDermott's appearance this morning on Fox TV in Milwaukee to the McD Press Archives page. 21st NEW!!! Visit the new "Mil's Menagerie" page just completed. And, of course, the Feb. issue of Mil Mania is under construction and coming soon.
January 2007 Highlights 21st The January issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out. Don't miss out on another year of this exciting madness -- read back issues and sign up here today! 1st Happy New Year!!!
December 2006 Highlights 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS 23rd The December Mil Mania is now available for online viewing... including a tribute to the beloved Molly, who passed away earlier this month. You can also check out a holiday greeting and many other special features in this expanded issue. Click Here.
13th The November issue of Mil Mania is now available for viewing online here.
November 2006 Highlights
8th The October issue of Mil Mania -- that is, the FIRST ANNIVERSARY ISSUE -- is now available for viewing online here. Thanks for making this experiment such a great success!!! 2nd The September issue of Mil Mania is now available for online viewing here.
October 2006 Highlights 29th The October issue of Mil Mania has been mailed out -- and it marks the 1st anniversary of this publication. Thanks to all subscribers for making it such a lasting success!! Also, you can check out my little "monsters" in their trick-or-treat attire by clicking here. Enjoy! Welcome to autumn!!!
September 2006 Highlights 26th September Mil Mania has been mailed out. If you've subscribed and not received your copy for any reason, just let me know (mil@artistinsane.com) 11th I just discovered that my web hosting provider changed the code for sending e-mail addresses to me via the form on the Mil Mania sign- up page. I don't know how long this has been applicable, so if you signed up and haven't received any Mil Mania issues since doing so, please sign up again. (It should be noted that no addresses were sent to a third party; the submit button merely did not function so they were never collected at all.) And, of course, to all subscribers, new and old -- watch for the latest issue of Mil Mania coming to your e-mail inbox soon.
August 2006 Highlights 28th Added the July/Aug. issue of Mil Mania to the sign-up page 27th Added the June issue of Mil Mania to the sign-up page...one I'm particularly proud of as it features a special essay I wrote specifically for it about my late dad. (The July/August issue will be posted there soon as well.) 26th It's here -- the McBirthday gift unmasked!!! Click Here to check out the collective pauper effort. 25th The 5th Annual McDermott Birthday Celebration has concluded. The finished gift was sent via overnight mail on 8/23, with confirmation of receipt from the US Post Office noting its arrival on 8/24 at 11:51 AM. Photos and details will be unveiled here shortly, so check back soon. THANK YOU to everyone for making it a great success!!! The 5th Annual McDermott Birthday Celebration continues -- and time is running out. So, if you're a McDermott fan, friend and/or supporter, CLICK HERE NOW!!! Also, in deference to vacations, heat waves and a myriad of other summer extracurricular activities and extenuating circumstances...the latest Mil Mania Newsletter/E-Mag has been mailed out as one large July/August edition. It will be posted (along with the June issue to the Sign-up page soon. Regular monthly issues will resume in September.
July 2006_Highlights
4th Happy
June 2006 Highlights 28th The June issue of Mil
Mania has finally 18th Added a TV
page to the "Mad Ravings On section...in conjunction with a review of 15th The bit of mad inspiration
alluded to earlier (for McDermott fans only)
is 15th The May Issue of Mil Mania
is now available for online
viewing. Just go to 4th Added
and commentary from Michael McDermott's 5-15 show at
Plus, of course, the June issue of Mil Mania is currently being
prepared, and will
May 2006 Highlights 29th Photos
and commentary from Michael McDermott's 5-14 show at
The Bitter End
And, don't forget, photos and commentary from The Living
Room the following night
Also, the May issue of Mil Mania has long since been sent out and
will be published
April 2006 Highlights 23rd The April issue of Mil Mania is now available for viewing on the Sign-up page. 22nd A page of photos
and commentary (and a couple of surprises) from
the 4/11 Michael 18th The March issue of Mil
Mania is now available for viewing on
the Sign-up page. 16th HAPPY EASTER!!!
March 2006 Highlights
15th Added the Hamlet-based
one-act play, A Piece of Them to the Mil's Writings...Drama Also, the March issue of Mil Mania has been mailed to subscribers -- if you're not among whom yet, go to the Sign-Up page today!
February 2006 Highlights 16th I ran across a podcast of
Michael McDermott's 2/11 performance at Chicago's 15th In the interest of
allowing anyone who needs to catch up on the serial novel 14th Happy Valentine's Day!!! 11th The February issue of Mil
Mania has been mailed out -- including a story 11th Added a review of "The Wedding Date" to the "Mad Ravings On...Movies" page. 6th The January issue of Mil
Mania has replaced the December one on the
January 2006 Highlights The Mil Mania newsletter goes
monthly -- the January issue has been mailed out, and will 21st Added reviews of Phantom
of the Opera and The Girl In The Cafe
to the
Added a recording of the song, Will, to my MySpaceMusic
page, along with 1st HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
December 2005 Highlights 15th The December issue
of Mil Mania is here -- go to the sign up
page 3rd I did a bit of
re-organizing to the "Mil's
Writing" portion of the site last
November 2005 Highlights Welcome to the holiday season --
a Enjoy!!!! 24th HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Many "insane" updates
coming soon -- in the meantime, if you haven't checked out
October 2005 Highlights 13th It's here!!! The debut of the
Mil Mania newsletter is available
now. Just go to 7th Click
Here to check out a review of the 10/4 Third Eye Blind show at the
Also, watch for the debut of "Mil Mania", the official newsletter of
September 2005 Highlights Check out Mil's recently updated page
at www.myspace.com/artistinsane
for some Also, if you haven't yet checked out
the new Michael McDermott Biography (added
August 2005 Highlights 27th Added a new Michael McDermott Biography (by Mil). 25th The "2005
McBirthday Mystery Madness" is at last
unmasked! Click Here to July 2005 Highlights Mil's stroke of mad inspiration continues !!! And, if you're a Michael McDermott supporter who hasn't checked this out yet, CLICK HERE to learn how you can be a part of this McD Madness!!! But...time is of the essence so be sure to do so NOW!!!
June 2005 Highlights
23rd Click on the following
links to check out photos and an interview with Brian Fitzpatrick interview - 6-11-05
May 2005 Highlights 16th A review of the film State
of Grace added to "Mad
Ravings On...Movies".
April 2005 Highlights 23rd Added a review page of
Brian Fitzpatrick's performance at Crossroads
March 2005 Highlights 25th Added a review page of
Michael McDermott's performance at Wingfest
on 8th Added a review
page of Michael McDermott's 2-20-05 show at Chicago Street 7th Mil's
screenplay, Taking The Fall, was chosen as a winner by the 4th The
promised review page on Brian Fitzpatrick's 2-12-05
show at 3rd Just got
back last night from 11 adventure-filled days in the
Midwest --
February 2005 Highlights 18th I want to make
note briefly that my online guestbook
for this site was 12th A great show by
Brian Fitzpatrick at McKeage's Tavern in West Milford, 11th Signed on to the
website, "myspace.com" and created an
artist page...here's
There are also pages there for Michael
and A
Moment's Peace -- 2nd Just wanted to
mention that I've gone back to the old "Share
The Insanity"
January 2005 Highlights 19th I recently switched web
hosts and am having some problems with their 17th In response to Marshal's
"wink wink, nudge nudge" suggestion
(on The Pauper's 2nd A new entry added to Random Rants... Click Here to check it out now!!! 2nd Added a review page on
Michael McDermott's 12-17-04 show at World Cafe 1st Happy New Year!!!
December 2004 Highlights 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!!! 20th Thought I'd share a photo of a couple friends in their holiday finery... And, while it may seem Barney and Bronte
17th Another outstanding
performance by 1st Welcome to the holiday
season! And, to get
November 2004 Highlights 11/25 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! 11/16 Added a review of Moonlight Mile to "Mad Ravings On...Movies". 11/16 Michael McDermott's new
CD, Beneath The Ashes --
featuring cover
Also, speaking of both Michael McDermott and Brian
Fitzpatrick, be sure 11/11 Finally -- they're
here! Photos and
commentary from Brian Fitzpatrick's 11/6 Added a review of Ash Wednesday to "Mad Ravings On...Movies". And, of course...more "New Madness" coming soon!
October 2004 Highlights 10/26 Photos and commentary
from Michael McDermott's
9/18 shows at The Point
September 2004 Highlights 9/25 Brian Fitzpatrick's
CD release show (for his new album Further
Down The Line) 9/18 Added a brief page
of photos from Michael's on-air
"pre-show" 9/18 Michael McDermott
returns for not one, but TWO acoustic
shows at
August 2004 Highlights 8/25 It's here!!!
The "2004 McBirthday Bash" explained in
its entirety! At last all 8/24 Just want to update everyone who
participated in the bit of "mad inspiration" 7/4 - Mil's bit of "mad
inspiration" continues!!! If you're a Michael McDermott
July 2004 Highlights 21st Added photos from Michael
McDermott's 7-15-04 in-store appearance at 17th Michael McDermott at WXPN's
Singer/Songwriter Weekend.
An indescribably 14th Photos and commentary from Michael McDermott's 5-7-04 show added... Click Here!!! 4th Mil had a
another stroke of
mad inspiration!!! And,
if you're a Michael 4th Happy 4th of July!!! 2nd Brian Fitzpatrick selected
me to write his press-kit bio for the upcoming
release, June 2004 Highlights 22nd Photos, commentary, etc. from
Michael McDermott's show 5th Photos from Michael
McDermott's Cleveland and Cambridge May 2004 Highlights 25th Photos, commentary, etc.
from Michael McDermott's 5/5 20th Brian Fitzpatrick and Michael
McDermott at The Loop Lounge in 7th Michael McDermott at North
by Northwest (NXNW.com)
in Philadelphia 6th Brian Fitzpatrick opens for
Michael McDermott at The
Cutting Room 5th Michael McDermott at The
Kimmel Center in Philadelphia
Also, added a page of Michael McDermott's 2004
Setlists for those April 2004 Highlights
3rd A review of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code
March 2004 Highlights 30th Added photos, commentary,
etc. from Brian Fitzpatrick's 3/21 21st Added photos, commentary,
etc. of Michael McDermott's 2/28 show
at 21st A singer/songwriters'
circle featuring Brian Fitzpatrick at Luna Stage 15th A new entry
regarding the recent travels mentioned below added to 15th A review of The Passion of the Christ added to "Mad Ravings On...Movies". 5th Added photos of
Michael McDermott's 2/20 show at The Abbey Pub, ...2nd Did a bit of traveling
throughout the Midwest. More details,
photos, etc.
February 2004 Highlights 19th through... 4th Listen online to the
new single, "Everything I Got" from the upcoming Michael
January 2004 Highlights 13th Added a new entry to "Random
Rants". Check it out and share any
"rants" of your 5th A review of the book, The
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time added
to the 4th A review of the film Cold
Mountain added to the "Mad Ravings On...Movies"
page. 1st HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
December 2003 Highlights 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!!!
November 2003 Highlights 27th Happy Thanksgiving!!! 20th The former remotely
hosted "Share The Insanity" discussion
board 3rd My beloved friend Mikey
passed away at the age of 21. He was adopted from a
October 2003 Highlights 12th Photos, commentary, etc
from Michael McDermott's 9/27 house concert...
11th Friend and fellow actor
1st- StephanJenkins.com
(the site Click the above banner to become a part of it today!
September 2003 Highlights 27th Another amazing Michael
McDermott "house concert" performance...photos, 16th Photos and commentary from
Michael McDermott's August 10th performance 1st Photos and
commentary from Michael McDermott's August 9 "house concert"
August 2003 Highlights 25th All McDermott supporters
who participated in "the project", there's an update for 9th - A whirlwind weekend in
the Windy City to see Michael McDermott perform live...
July 2003 Highlights 5th The madness taking
McDermott fans "Around The World in 80 Days" continues... 4th Happy 4th of July!!!!
June 2003 Highlights 1st Well, I was planning to
wait 'til June 5 to unveil this bit of madness, but having got
May 2003 Highlights 28th Finally!!!! Photos,
commentary, etc. from Brian Fitzpatrick's 4/19 show at The 27th Just wanted to paste the
link here to a site that will soon be putting up audio
and 24th Brian Fitzpatrick at Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ. 14th Since the work of Michael
McDermott is featured quite prominently throughout
In the meantime, those "mad about McD" can feel free to share their insanity on the 13th Third Eye Blind's new
album "Out of the Vein" is available today. I got
April 2003 Highlights 28th A few weeks ago I was
chatting with a grad student (an English Lit. major) who'd 20th Happy Easter!!! 18th- A two-night benefit by Brian
Fitzpatrick at 9th A page on Brian Fitzpatrick's 2/28/03 show added...Click Here!!! 8th Another of those months that've
been maddeningly sane so far...unless one counts
However, I sincerely doubt you've
ever read ALL of what's already on
And, after you've done that...don't
forget to share your thoughts, either on the
March 2003 Highlights 26th Just when you'd (come on,
admit it!) given up hope of EVER seeing a page And, yes, a page on Brian's 2-28 NYC show really IS coming soon as well! 16th Photos, commentary, etc.
on Brian Fitzpatrick's 2/26/03 show at The
Pages on both Michael's and Brian's sets at The Bitter End on 2/28/03 coming 15th Michael McDermott's show
at Schubas in 14th Brian Fitzpatrick's St.
Pat.'s Weekend show at The Underpass in Elmwood Park, 13th Photos and commentary
from Michael McDermott's 2/26/03 show at The Whiskey
any case, while you're here...go ahead and look around at the rest of the
site. February 2003 Highlights 28th Another great night of
both Brian Fitzpatrick and Michael McDermott on one 26th Michael McDermott opens at The Whisky Bar
Hoboken, NJ, 9:30PM, 23rd I recently updated the bio
I wrote for Third Eye Blind (using info compiled and a 12th Added "The World's
Easiest(?) Quiz"... Click
Here. (Note: Be sure to read 11th Review of Brennan
Manning's Ruthless Trust added to the "Mad Ravings 2nd Photos, commentary, etc.
from Brian Fitzpatrick's 1/18 show at The Underpass
January 2003 Highlights 26th Review of the Jack
Nicholson film, About Schmidt added to the "Mad 23rd Poem "Abandon's Embrace" added to the Poems page. 22nd As you probably noticed,
there's a new navigation button to your left... 18th Brian Fitzpatrick (and
band) at The Underpass in Elmwood Park, NJ! Another 15th They're here at
last! Photos and commentary from Michael McDermott's 12/28/02 7th Photos and commentary from
Michael McDermott's 12/27/02 Schubas show 3rd Photos and commentary from Brian
Fitzpatrick's 12/23/02 Bitter End show 3rd Michael McDermott is
featured on p. 42 of Entertainment Weekly!!! (It's issue 1st Happy New Year!!! To check out 2002's "New Madness"... Click Here!!!